How to Send Message in LinkedIn using Selenium VBA

How to Send Message in LinkedIn using Selenium VBA

Do you want to build your connection on LinkedIn but are tired of sending messages manually to your all connections?

In this tutorial, we will help you to build a tool in VBA using Selenium WebDriver that can automate sending messages on LinkedIn.

So let’s begin and understand step-by-step how we can send messages on LinkedIn using Selenium in Excel VBA Programming.

Table of Contents

  1. Create MS Excel Macro-Enable file
  2. Setup VBA Editor for script
  3. Create an Open Browser Script
  4. Create Send Message Script
  5. Assign Macros to Respected button
  6. Running Script

Step 1: Create MS Excel Macro-Enable file

  • Create a new MS Excel Macro-Enable file with the name LinkedInMessage.xlsm.
  • Add LinkedIn profile URL in Column B as shown in the figure.
  • Add two buttons from Developer->Insert->Button with the name Open Browser, Send Message.

Step 2: Setup VBA Editor for script

  • Open the VBA editor by pressing Alt+F11 or Developer->Visual Basic.
  • In VBA Editor, insert a new module from the menu Insert->Module. New module Module1 will be added to your VBA Project.
  • Add reference for Selenium by menu Tools->References… and choose Selenium Type Library.

Step 3: Create an Open Browser Script

Step 4: Create Send Message Script

Add the below code in the newly created Module1 just after the previous code.

Sub SendMessage()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Dim i As Integer, startRow As Integer, endRow As Integer
    Dim linkedInURL As String, messageText As String

    startRow = 2
    endRow = 5000

    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True

    '''Read Excel file
    For i = startRow To endRow
        linkedInURL = ""
        ''Get Linkedin profile URL form column B
        linkedInURL = Sheets("LinkedIn").Range("B" & i).Value        
        ''Get Message for sending from Column C
        messageText = Sheets("LinkedIn").Range("B" & i).Value

        ''If there is no LinkedIn URL then exit script
        If InStr(linkedInURL, "linkedin") = 0 Then
            Exit For
        End If        
        Dim messageButton As Object, messageBox As Object, messageSendButton As Object        
        ' Open current profile
        driver.Get linkedInURL
        Application.Wait Now + #12:00:03 AM#        
        Application.StatusBar = "Running: " & linkedInURL
        If driver.IsElementPresent(By.XPath("//a[contains(@class, 'message-anywhere-button')]")) = True Then
            '' Click on Message button
            Set messageButton = driver.FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(@class, 'message-anywhere-button')]")
            driver.ExecuteScript "arguments[0].click();", messageButton
            Application.Wait Now + #12:00:02 AM#

            ''Enter message in the message box
            Set messageBox = driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[contains(@class, 'msg-form__contenteditable')]")
            messageBox.SendKeys messageText
            Application.Wait Now + #12:00:02 AM#

             ''Click on the Send button
            Set messageSendButton = driver.FindElementByXPath("//button[contains(@class, 'msg-form__send-button')]")
            driver.ExecuteScript "arguments[0].click();", messageSendButton
            Application.Wait Now + #12:00:02 AM#
        End If
    Next i

    Application.StatusBar = ""
    MsgBox "All Messages are sent successfully!", vbInformation

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
    Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub

Step 5: Assign Macros to Respected buttons

  • Close VBA Editor if it is already open.
  • Right-click on Open Browser and assign macro OpenBrowser. As well as assign SendMessage to Send Message button.

Step 6: Running Script

  • Click on the Open Browser button, it will open Chrome browser. Open LinkedIn and log in with your credentials.
  • In Excel paste all LinkedIn profiles in column B to send Messages and Save data.
  • Now click on Send Message button. It will read the LinkedIn profile from column B and messages from column C one by one and send messages.
  • After all, profiles are complete, the script will show the message All Messages are sent successfully!

Related: See our guide on How to Send Connect Requests on LinkedIn using Selenium VBA for sending automated Connect requests in LinkedIn.

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