
How to Use Context Managers by “with” in Python

One of the many strengths of Python is the ability to manage resources efficiently and cleanly using context managers with the with statement.

In this blog post, we will delve deep into context managers, explore their importance, and learn how to create custom context managers in Python.

What is a Context Manager?

A context manager is an object that manages the setup and teardown of resources in a controlled and consistent manner. They are used to ensure that resources, such as files, network connections, or database connections, are properly acquired and released, even in the presence of exceptions. The with statement is the primary construct in Python for working with context managers.

The general syntax for using a context manager with the with statement is as follows:

with context_manager_expression as variable:
    # Code block where resource is used
    # ...
# Resource is automatically released outside the block

Here, context_manager_expression is an expression that evaluates to a context manager object, and variable is an optional variable that receives the result of the context manager’s __enter__() method.

Built-in Context Managers

Python comes with several built-in context managers that simplify common resource management tasks.

1. File Handling

One of the most common uses of context managers is for file handling:

# Reading a file using a context manager
with open("example.txt", "r") as file:
    data =
# File is automatically closed outside the block

The open() function returns a file object that acts as a context manager, ensuring the file is closed properly after reading.

2. Locks and Threads

Context managers are essential when dealing with threads and synchronization primitives like locks:

import threading

lock = threading.Lock()

# Using a lock with a context manager
with lock:
    # Critical section code here
    # ...
# Lock is automatically released outside the block

3. Database Connections

Managing database connections efficiently is crucial. Python’s sqlite3 library provides a context manager for database connections:

import sqlite3

# Using a database connection with a context manager
with sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db") as conn:
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
    result = cursor.fetchall()
# Connection is automatically closed outside the block

Creating Custom Context Managers

You can create your own context managers in Python by defining a class with __enter__() and __exit__() methods.

The __enter__() Method

The __enter__() method initializes and acquires the resource. It is executed when the with block is entered. This method can also return an object that the as clause can assign.

class MyContextManager:
    def __enter__(self):
        # Initialize and acquire resources
        self.resource = "Resource acquired"
        return self.resource

The __exit__() Method

The __exit__() method handles resource cleanup and exception handling. It is called when exiting the with block. It takes care of releasing resources properly, even in the presence of exceptions.

class MyContextManager:
    def __enter__(self):
        self.resource = "Resource acquired"
        return self.resource
    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        # Clean up and release resources
        self.resource = None

Now, let’s use our custom context manager:

with MyContextManager() as cm:
    print(cm)  # Output: "Resource acquired"
# Resource is automatically released outside the block

Handling Exceptions

Context managers are particularly useful for handling exceptions. If an exception occurs within the with block, the __exit__() method is still called, allowing you to perform cleanup operations.

class MyFileContextManager:
    def __init__(self, filename, mode):
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode
        self.file = None
    def __enter__(self):
        self.file = open(self.filename, self.mode)
        return self.file
    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        if self.file:


    with MyFileContextManager("example.txt", "r") as file:
        data =
    # File is automatically closed even if an exception occurs
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("File not found")


Context managers with the with statement are a powerful feature in Python for resource management. They ensure that resources are acquired and released correctly and can simplify exception handling. Whether you are working with files, databases, or custom resources, understanding and creating context managers will help you write cleaner, more maintainable code in Python.

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